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Updated: 04.02.2001

AHIRecord v1.6 |
Thomas Wenzel |
20/07/1999 |
OS 3.0, 68020, AHI, asyncio.library v37
AHI Record is an advanced HD-Recorder.
- Multithreaded level meter and status display
- Asynchronous writes to harddisk
- Generates AIFF or WAVE files
- Automatic file generation for recording several tracks sequentially:
If you specify a default filename using the NAME ToolType, AHIRecord will enter rec-pause-mode immediately once you've set the audiomode. After you've pressed stop you will be asked for the real filename which will be the default filename followed by a three digit number. Once you've confirmed that filename, AHIRecord will re-enter rec-pause-mode so that you can start recording your next track immediately. The trhee digit "track number" will be increased by one.
AHIRecord v1.6
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Assampler v0.99 |
Lemming of the Pi-Nuts |
24/07/1999 |
OS 3.0, 3 MB Ram, MUI v3.8, AHI
Assempler is an object oriented sound processor program that let you analyse sounds, re-synthesize and modify them, create mew synthetic instruments/music effects or apply effects to long signal streams.
- Object oriented sounds and sound processes (which is rather the same)
- Combine anything with everything, with or without help of flowcharts
- Sounds with different sample rate or volume are automatically adjusted
- Sound groups allow hierarchical storage and operations on multiple sounds at once
- No limit for multichannel sounds (known as stereo, surround, quadro, octa?)
- Hard disk editting of raw non-interleaved sample sounds with no functional limit
- Easy creation of control, modulation, waveform etc. curves
- Frequency spectrum can be used both for viewing and manipulating
- Long list of processes, summarized: basics, echo, distortion, filters, FFT
- Using strong CPUs everything can be run as realtime effect
- Mathematical expressions with complex numbers and SI units
- Multithreading, you don't need to wait for a calculation any longer
- Hand-made assembler routines for low-level calculations
- An FPU is almost not necessary
- Usage of
- MUI for GUI (intensive usage of drag&drop)
- AHI for sound output
- Datatypes for import/export of custom sound formats
- SearchGuide/LSAGS (amiga guide search tools) support within the help guide
- PopHotkey.mcc for easy shortcut configuration
- Much more details, some of them will annoy you, some are invaluable
- Asynchronous reqtools file requester
- multiple file/directory load
- Smooth sample/polynom/spectrum display scrolling + range marking
- Multiple displays for the same sound
- Zoomable proportional gadgets
- Big samples can also be load if memory is already fragmented
Assampler v0.99
Assampler Debug (Debug version, requires main archive)
Official HomePage
Distribution: Commercial |
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Audio Evolution v2.0517 |
Davy Wentzler |
17/05/1999 |
68020, 4 MB Fast Ram, a fast hard-disk, a 16-bit sampler supported by AHI
Audio Evolution is an audio harddisk recording system primarily aimed at musicians who want an easy-to-use multitrack recorder for home-studio applications. It's based on the AHI system by Martin Blom, which makes it possible to run Audio Evolution on every modern soundcard designed for Amiga computers. Because of the efficient mixing routines of AHI, it's possible to play up to 30 tracks at the same time on expanded systems, even without PowerPC technology. But that's not what makes it a good harddisk recording system: Audio Evolution also offers a versatile mixing desk including individual channel and master level display, mute, solo, panning, subgroups and realtime effects. Besides that, full mixer automation gives you mixing possibilities only limited by your imagination. Also take a look at the timeline display with its marker system for fast positioning in the song, locators and punch in/out features which saves you precious time in your recording session.
- Up to 30 (stereo) samples simultaneously. The amount of samples you can actually play depends on:
- Processor power: since all the mixing is done by the processor, more channels can be mixed at higher frequencies on faster processors
- Speed of your harddisk and harddisk-controller. SCSI is preferred
- The AHI-mode you have selected. Is it a stereo mode, stereo++ mode with panning, fast mode etcetera?
- Full duplex playback and record: if your soundcard allows it, you can play back samples while
- A mixing desk provides you with realtime control over volume, panning, solo and mute per channel. Every channel has a separate volume PPM display. Also three realtime effects can be plugged in and the channel can be assigned to one of four subgroups. A mastervolume slider and a stereo master volume indicator are present too
- Separate window for 4 subgroups with solo and mute per group
- Full mixer-automation based on event-list: channel faders, panning, mutes, master volume, subgroup volumes and subgroup mutes can be automated. Automation events can be edited directly on the timeline
- Realtime effects with the following runtime (near real-time) possibilities:
- Parameter change
- On/off state switch
- Removal of effects
Also, possible CPU overload is detected, preventing lock-ups during playback
- A Time Line Display provides you with an overview of the loaded samples and their durations. Samples can be moved along the timeline
- A marker mechanism on top of the timeline lets you place locators, punch in/out markers and the time marker easily, giving quick and accurate access to these items
- Sample-editing with the usual features like cut,paste,copy,erase range. Direct to disk, not limited by memory
- Effects like Delay, Noise Gate, Chorus, Comp/Limiter, Amplifier, Frequency filters and FIR-filters can be applied
- MIDI synchronisation: by sending a MIDI start-command and a Song Position Pointer, you can synchronize audio with an external MIDI sequencer. You can also receive MIDI start-commands and synchronize to Bars&Pipes
Audio Evolution Demo (Main archive)
Audio Evolution Demo for 68020 (Requires main archive)
Audio Evolution Demo for 68020 + FPU (Requires main archive)
Audio Evolution Demo for 68060 (Requires main archive)
You can also find out how many tracks you can play in the full version by using the TrackTester program:
TrackTester for 68020
TrackTester for 68060
Official HomePage
Distribution: Commercial |
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Audio Master IV v1.0 |
Aegis Development |
01/01/1990 |
any Amiga
Audio Master is an old commercial program but still good. Works with some old and new samplers.
Distribution: |
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AudioLab 16 v2 |
Maurizio Ciccione |
01/01/1996 |
OS 2.1+, 68020+, 2+ MB RAM
AudioLab is an hard-disk based 16-bit audio recording, editing, processing, mixing system.
AudioLab 16 v2
Distribution: ShareWare |
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JoinAIFF v1.2 |
Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen |
07/09/1998 |
any Amiga
JoinAIFF merge two mono AIFF files to one stereo file. The program buffers the merge so you can have as long files you want. Samples may be 8 bit or 16 bit.
- Can merge both 8-bit and 16-bit sounds in all frequencies. (If you need other bit aspects (eg. 12-bit/20-bit) let me know)
- Buffered copy. Uses two buffers on 200 kb each for fast handling and interleaving the new sample.
- Written in assembler for fast interleaving and for small size
- From version 1.2 JoinAIFF will only warn about differences in size and frequencies. It will still join the files, but it will chop the longest file and use the frequency from file 1
JoinAIFF v1.2
Distribution: FreeWare |
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MTRS v2.16 |
Andreas Sprenger |
12/12/00 |
AHI v4
MTRS is a 8 track hd-recorder with "FULL DUPLEX" 4 track-record and 8 track play.
- "FULL DUPLEX" record
- insert cut
- interrupt test
- record frequency to 50 kHz (MC 68020)
- 2 track processor playback
- 4 track DMA playback by means of separate task (multitasking friendly)
- with ECS and AGA Amigas is possible for DMA (direct memory access) reproducing frequencies to 50 kHz
- 8 track DMA playback by means of separate task (multitasking friendly)
- with ECS and AGA Amigas is possible for DMA reproducing frequencies to 50 kHz
- 8 channel mixer with volume and panorama adjustment possibility
- resampling in real time for OCS Amigas
- 8 channel mixes directly on hd (for more than eight tracks)
- memory function
- 8SVX export
- 8SVX import
- AIFF import (mono/stereo) - samplermonitor
- AHI HD-player with DSP
MTRS v2.16
Distribution: ShareWare |
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- NEW - Normalize v0.7.2 - NEW - |
Fr3dY |
21/02/02 |
Normalize is used to adjust WAVs volume to a standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mp3 mixes, where different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song.
Normalize v0.7.2
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ProStationAudio v1.30 |
Audiolabs |
01/01/1999 |
Audiolabs |
OS 2.1, 68030, 16 MB RAM
ProStationAudio is a software application that provides a desktop enviroment for editing, mixing and mastering digital audio. By integrating the concepts of digital audio streams and faders-motion streams it lets you handle even your most complex projects with just a few mouse clicks onto a scalable automation/audio timeline.
At the same time, if you need a more classic manual control over the mixing process, an automated mixing console is at your disposal for altering the audio streams in realtime.
Each console channel includes multiple insert points for DSP effects, plus multiple master insert points. You can serialize DSP effects for complex processing. Each insert can be toggled on/off on the fly, for realtime auditioning of different configurations.
If you work in multiplatform enviroments you'll appreciate the ability for sharing audio files with Windows, Mac, Unix and Amiga systems, including dedicated hardware such as the NewTek Toaster/Flyer and the AD516/Studio16.
ProStationAudio v1.30 Demo
ProStationAudio Documentation v0.94
ProStationAudio Tutorial: StationID
Voice overs compressor
Dynamics processor
Stereo field expander
Stereo phase rotator
Official HomePage
Distribution: Commercial |
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resample |
Wilhelm Noeker |
04/01/00 |
Digital filtering utility for changing the sampling rate of audio files by an integer ratio (e. g. 2:1, 2:3, 1:2 or 1:3).
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Rescale v1.13 |
Björn Östberg & Fredrik Rambris |
31/05/1999 |
any Amiga
Rescale is a resample utility (SHELL only) which resamples standard 8SVX raw sounds. The resample method used in the Rescale utility is vector based scaling similar to the one used in sizeable fonts but with antialias features.
Rescale v1.13
Official HomePage
Distribution: FreeWare |
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S.A.M. v1.0 |
André & Frank Hugenroth (Twins of TRSI) |
01/01/1995 |
TRSI / Brainstorm Software |
any Amiga
S.A.M. is a comfortable program with which you can make astonishing sounds and noises, even complex music and rhythm sequences in a simply way.
S.A.M. v1.0
Distribution: FreeWare |
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SamEd v0.80 |
Matthew Hampton |
07/11/1998 |
OS 3.0, AHI, MUI
SamEd is a 16-bit stereo sound sample editor designed for easy use, featuring a versatile developers interface for an expandable system.
- Uses AHI to be compatable with the majority of sound hardware
- Uses MUI for several reasons including to speed up development & to supply a customisable interface
- Has only one edit window. You only edit the sample you can see
- The (theoretical) maximum sample size is over two thousand mega bytes long
- Copes with 8 / 16 bit, mono / stereo samples
- Loades and saves samples through 'filers'. More filers can be produced for different file types. RAW samples are loaded internally by SamEd
- A powerful 'external process' launcher allows any developer to produce his or her own sound effects. This system relies on multitasking and creates a multithreaded editing system
SamEd v0.80
Distribution: ShareWare |
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SampleE v4.08 |
Rainer "No.3" Müller |
18/04/00 |
OS 3.0, AHI (for hd-editing)
SampleE is a fast 16-Bit Stereo Sampler Editor with AHI support.
- Samples are loaded into fast memory (if available)
- 16 bit editing
- Mono or stereo
- AHI support
- Read and write IFF-8SVX including fibonacci-delta compression
- Read and write WAVE and several other formats using the MultiIO-function
- Completely font-sensitive GUI
- Open windows on WB-screen or on own screen
- Cut, copy, paste, delete, ...
- Volume, frequency, echo, ... function
- Fully localized
- The First FreeWare Sample-Editor that supports HD-Editing!
SampleE v4.08
Distribution: FreeWare |
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SamplerUtility |
Dhomas Trenn |
27/05/00 |
SamplerUtility is a disk imager utility for Professional Audio Samplers. It has the capability to READ and WRITE full disk images, in both double density (DD) and high density (HD) formats. A disk image is a conversion of a full disk in to a single file. This is a good way to keep backups and to distribute disks through EMail/FTP/BBS.
Most IBM based formats are supported and this includes the Roland series of samplers (S50, S330, S550, S770, W30).
The FORMAT gadget provides a way to create formatted disks from any disk image file. This is very time saving if you like to have certain
parameters setup a specific way most of the time. Several disk images can be used for different default setups.
The INFO gadget will read label, patch, tone, etc. information from a disk or disk image. Currently, the Roland series of samplers are
supported. Workbench ToolTypes are supported to set the default disk drive, default directories, file extensions, font, and more...
Distribution: |
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SampleZ v0.12alpha |
Rainer "No.3" Müller |
25/09/00 |
OS 3.0, AHI (for hd-editing)
SampleZ is a 16Bit HD-Edit SampleEditor successor of SampleE.
Changes compared to SampleE:
- Better implementation of the progressbar -> needs less cpu
- New and better moving bar during playback + display of the time
- -> AHI: bar + time update now 8 times per second (instead of 4)
- -> Paula: bar + time update now 4 times per second (instead of 2)
- Read (WAVE-) MPEG-Audio files using mpega.library V2+
- Read uncompressed AIFC files
- Opens its window on Workbench-, Own- and new: Default-Public-Screen
- Moved several, often needed functions into a "support"-library
- -> Main-program and io-librarys are much smaller now
SampleZ v0.12alpha
Distribution: Post-CardWare |
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SinED v2.10 |
Jarkko Vatjus-Anttila |
16/12/1998 |
OS 2.04
SinED is a powerful 16-bit sample editor/generator.
- Easy sample-editing with AHI v4
- Handles IFF-8SVX, IFF-16SV, AIFF, WAV and RAW in mono/stereo
- All channels are treated independently
- Has a number of different effects built in, which can be combined together
- Effects support envelopes
- Multilevel undo
- Hand editing
- Small mixer
- Does NOT crash your system
SinED v2.10
Distribution: ShareWare |
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SoundFX v4.00 |
Stefan Kost |
03/07/00 |
OS 3.0
SoundFX is an editor for digitized audiodata (samples). Is built in a modular way and features a comfortable GUI. With this program you can add effects (which are really unique on Amiga) to your samples and edit them extensively.
- More than 50 operators featuring lots of parameters and possibilies
- For modulation such as:
- Soundsynthesis
- AM-synthesis (amplitudemodulation)
- CS-synthesis (compositesynthesis=additative and sub-traktiv soundsynthesis)
- 3D-Cube-Parametermodulation (Mix, Equalize)
- Effects e.g. Hall, Echo, Delay, Chorus/Phaser, Morph, Pitch-shift...
- Operations e.g. Resample, ZeroPass (FadeIn/FadeOut), Middle, Amplify, Mix, DeCrackle, ConvertChannels...
- 2D/3D-Spectrumanalysis
- Very good filters and boosters with resonancy !!!
- Several types of modulation
- Even volume and pitch tracking
- More then 40 presets included
- Internal signalhandling of 32/16bit
- 32bit/floatingpoint for FX calculation
- 16bit in the samplebuffer (more than adequate for sampledata)
- High quality playroutines
- 8 bit standard player
- 14 bit cascade player (without additional Hardware)
- 14 bit callibrated cascade player (without additional hardware)
- AHI-player for soundcards
- Plays 16bit samples direct from the Fastram with use of a small (max 16 KByte) Chipram-buffer
- Conversion of several Soundsampleformats
- With compression-support
- Works in Mono, Stereo and Quadro !!!
- Operations are non-destructive, so the sourcesample will be neither overwritten nor deleted
- Extensive number of cut-functions
- Freehand-edit
- Flexible screendisplay
- Number of samplebuffers (limited by your system (RAM) only)
- Every sample has its own window, with changable position and size
- Smooth variable zooming (can be inferior to 1.0)
- Now even y-zoom !!
- AmigaGuide-OnLine-Help
- By pressing the "HELP"-key in any window
- Asynchronous (the help window could stay opened)
- Clippord Support with all 256 entries
- DataType Support (Loader)
- ARexx-Port
- With many procedures and functions (actually 80)
- With some examples
- ARexx-Scripts could be started directly from SoundFX
- System-conform GUI
- Font and screensensitiv
- Modular concept, so you can have as many
- Player ( 4 at this time)
- Loader (17 at this time)
- Saver (12 at this time)
- Operators (56 at this time)
- ArexxOperators (several scripts included)
- As you like (at this time the above number of modules is built in)
- Works with samples on disk (when running out of memory)
- X and Y axis in samplewindows
- Extensively expanded mark and range editing
- And many more features (read guide)
- Note: In the unregistered version saving of samples and using the arexx-port is not available!
Version for 68000
Version for 68020
Version for 68020+FPU
Version for 68030
Version for 68030+FPU
Version for 68040+FPU
Version for 68060+FPU
Beta version of the brand new cdda-ripper (68030+FPU ... 68060+FPU)
Data Archive
English documentation
German documentation
Texts for localisation (Please contact Stefan first!)
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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SoundProbe v2.12 |
David O'Reilly |
06/03/1999 |
OS 3.0, 68020+, 4+ MB RAM
Soundprobe is a sampler and sample editor that uses a standard user interface and is compatible with MANY different brands of 8-bit and 16-bit samplers.
Changes in version 2:
- Over 60 Powerful effects, most work in Real-Time
- Load/Save multiple formats
- Built-in virtual memory system
- Directly edit 8SVX, AIFF, AIFC files
- Style-guide compliant, fully font-sensitive/scalable GUI
- Multiple Audio/Sampler support
- Multiple project windows
- Many graphing modes
- Fully modular design
- GUI: New look, new keys, graphing modes improved, gadget titles have the correct format information, font sensitivity improved, most windows are x,y scalabe, coordinate displays now support various formats, rate requester now has some preset values for CD/DAT/Amiga etc. and more...
- Some changes in menus
- Project mixer
- EFFECTS: New DSP library for complex processing in the frequency domain
- AREXX: Now offers over 80 commands
- Some changes on Loaders/Savers
- Megamix Master sampler supported
- New AHI sampler
- Some bug fixes
Soundprobe 2 DEMO
Update v2.11 to v2.12
GPatch You will also need this to patch v2.11
New ARexx handler
Studio 16 Fix
Official HomePage
Distribution: Commercial |
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WaveTracer |
Virtual Worlds Productions |
01/01/1999 |
Virtual Worlds Productions |
OS 3.0, 68020+
WaveTracer is an extensive sound-editor/-converter/-creator.
- Convert samples
- Edit samples
- Edit surroundsounds
- Create samples
- Create soundeffects
- Encode samples in a Dolby-Surround®-compatible format
- Add sounds to IFF-anims
- Add sounds to QuickTime-anims
- ... and much much more
Demo for 68020+
Demo for WarpOS
Official HomePage
Distribution: Commercial |
More Informations |
If you have created a program that is not included in this site please e-mail me. Thanks!
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Suggestions and comments are welcome!
© Copyright Stefano Clemente