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Updated: 02.05.2001

ACDPlay v1.6 |
Marc Altmann & Martin Kresse |
23/07/1998 |
OS 2.04
CD player.
- Uses own SCSI routines written in Assembler
- Supports cd.device for ATAPI drives
- Features a small, fontsensitive, compact GUI with the ability of enabling/disabling parts (main window)
- Features both standard and MagicWB graphics
- Comes with fully asynchronus window handling
- Has a so-called "Trackslider" for easier positioning within tracks
- Works as a commodity
- Supports locale.library (OS 2.1)
- Supports screennotify.library
- Comes with a (rudimentary) ARexx port in the first release
- Is partly done in Assembler
- Is able to open on any public screen; a public screen window may be opened to change screen immediately
- Allows you to snapshot window positions
- Of course lets you save your CD titles and programs
- Has an extra window for programming
- Supports random playing as well as several repeat modes
- Is configured via tooltypes in order to keep it small
- Features A-B repeat and volume setting
ACDPlay v1.6
Source of ACDPlay 1.5 and 1.6
Distribution: E-MailWare |
More Informations |

AmigaAMP v2.8 |
Thomas Wenzel |
25/12/00 |
OS 3.0+, 68020+, mpega.library, asyncio.library, AHI
MPEG audio player.
- FREEWARE! No beta, no nag requesters and no expiry date!
- GadTools based font sensitive user interface
- Alternatively WinAMP compatible user interface
- Workbench application (you can drop icons on its window)
- Easily configurable
- AHI device-level access (uses default audio mode automatically)
- PPC (PowerUP) support
- ID3 tag editor (artist, title, album, etc.)
AmigaAMP v2.8
Official HomePage (Look here for Plug-Ins!)
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

- UPDATED - Amoralplayer v1.7 - UPDATED - |
Jeroen van Aart |
24/04/02 |
any Amiga
Multiformat audio player.
- Multi format (of course :)
- Support for xpk`ed and powerpacked files, decrunching in fastmemory if available
- `App` support, thus drag and drop on window, appicon or appmenu (shift select)
- Plays (octa)med, soundstudio and digibooster songs from fastmemory if available
- Fast and easy gadtools GUI
- Soundperiod displayed with PT modules (working on it for other formats)
- Usage of standard libraries for replay and decrunch, except PT modules and IFF 8 bit samples. (hm is that a feature or laziness? ;)
- Able to load in ANY file and attempt to play it, asking you beforehand of course (see and listen for yourself ;) Might be usefull for the few people who love weird sounds, some files give perfect sounds for a psychedelic electro song :-D
- Reasonably small and fast, doesnt use up much resources. Needs very little memory to run
- Works on all cpu types (as far as i know) and maybe even on Amiga os <2.0, not tested though
- .... ask me for features you want/need!
Amoralplayer v1.7
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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AMPlifier v2.12 |
Thorsten Hansen |
01/07/00 |
Kato Development |
OS 2.0
Powerful multiformat audio player.
- Supports musicam up to Layer III and even AIFF, MAUD, WAVE and RAW
- Basic functionality known from CD-Players (play, pause, stop, forward, backward, skip back, skipforward)
- Resizeable and configureable user interface - easy to use
- WinAMP skins (different gfx designs)
- Opens and moves to any public screen on your choice
- Comfortable and fast move to any position in a song by using a pos-slider
- Powerfull Playlist (sortable, loop support)
- Load, Save and Edit of playlists
- Random play
- Simple drag&drop of files and drawers. (drop it over the playlist window to add it)
- Recursive scan through directorys with pattern matching (d&d), with possibility to abort! (drop a drawer or
volume on the player or playlist window)
- ID3-Tag support to get closer and better infos from the songs played (artist, title, album, year,...)
- Time remain/elapse display
- ARexx port
- Commodity
AMPlifier v2.12
Tools & Accessories:
Melody Z2 driver
Software Development Kit v1.0 - (All the necessary for creating Plug-Ins)
Official HomePage
Distribution: FreeWare |
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APlayer v2.22 |
Thomas Neumann & Jakob Langgaardz |
07/06/1997 |
OS 2.04
- Supports 68 different module formats
- Supports OctaMED Sound Studio - We were the first !!!
- Supports Impulse, S3M, Fasttracker I & II, Multitracker and more
- Supports AHI
- Uses noteplayers. AHI, Stereo, 14 bit, surround, fastmem player...
- Agent Interface© including, from v2.00, Graphical Scopes !
- Online Help (Press Help while placing your pointer on the function you want help for)
- WHY requesters. If you get an error requester from APlayer and you don't understand what's going on, press the WHY gadget in the requester. This gives you a brief description of the error, and suggestions on how to correct it
- Recognizes and unpacks 179 different cruncher types (using the Unpack.library)
- Favourite Song System©. No one else does this !!
- Play samples by the keyboard while listening to the module. This now includes a multikeyboard function (press "DEL"). The number of channels used depends of the module, so if you hear a 16 channels S3M module you can play in multi mode with 16 CHANNELS !!!! We were the first
- Save samples can be used to rip your favourite samples, even if you don't own the actual music program. This also works with S3M, XM a.s.o. No one else does this !!
- Can convert/save samples between different formats like IFF-8SVX, IFF-AIFF, Raw, RIFF-WAVE and .. Worms sample banks
- Can play modules from Fast memory, saving your sparesome Chip memory
- App-Icon and App-window, that means full support for Dopus5 drag'n'drop !
- Full commodity interface. Depending on your system
- Supports Lha/Lzx, including extract pattern
- Supports Public Screens
- Make your own favourite lists of modules with the APML© system
- Early load system which kills the waiting time between the modules. We were the first !!
- ARexx interface
APlayer v2.22
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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BlaBla Sound Player v3.4 |
Marcin Juszkiewicz |
05/12/1999 |
OS 3.0, sound.datatype
- Plays samples using DataTypes
- You can set frequency, volume and end of sample
- AppWindow
- Works on any pubscreen
- You can save sample as 8SVX
BlaBla Sound Player v3.4
Distribution: GiftWare |
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BMCDDA Player v1.5 |
Byron Montgomerie |
22/06/1997 |
OS 3.0, IDE CD-ROM Drive, ATAPI Software
CD player.
- Changer support (Only tested with the NEC 4x4, but up to seven-disc changers should work with it)
- Conforms to ATAPI 2.6 specification
- Supports the CDID Collection on Aminet!
- Totally user configurable
- Aspect ratio aware (GUI has the same size on 640x512 and 1280x1024)
- Font Sensitive (Ties in with Aspect ratio awareness)
- WB and CLI interfaces with the human at the controls in mind. K.I.S.S.
- It's a commodity (You can put it in your WBStartup drawer and ignore the existance of the GUI and still plop
CDs out and stick others in and listen to them)
- Separate Volume and Balance Controls (Responsive custom BOOPSI gadgets)
BMCDDA Player v1.5
Distribution: BeerWare |
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CDDA v1.64 |
Michael Van Elst |
18/07/1998 |
OS 2.04
Read audio data from a CD-DA disk (normal audio CDs) and play back via audio.device (22kHz) and store to outputfile either in 16bit, stereo, 44.1kHz AIFF or in 8bit, mono or stereo, 22.05kHz 8SVX.
CDDA v1.64
Distribution: FreeWare |
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CLI-Tracker 98 v1.0 |
Frits Letteboer |
30/12/1997 |
any Amiga, xpkmaster.library v2.0+
CLI-Tracker is a player for ProTracker modules and some clones.
CLI-Tracker 98 v1.0
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Compact v1.38 |
Ralph Weisel |
05/12/1999 |
OS 3.0
CD player.
- Can run on a public screen (like the Workbench) or an own custom screen. On the own custom screen a BACKGROUND PICTURE (IFF) can be loaded behind the gadgets, with optionally switching on/off a colour-cycling effect
- Ability to jump from one public screen to an other while the player is running
- Optionally runs in the background (commodity) and can be controlled by hotkeys from nearly every program, without the need to activate the window of the player (SKIP, SEARCH, PLAY, PAUSE etc.)!
- Ability to open multiple windows, which can always remain opened. This includes the ONLINE-HELP window too
- With the zoom-gadget you can switch between a very small gui and the normal layout
- Built-in database for getting a quick overview of all your CDs. Also you can search for titles, track-names, CD length etc., and you can output selected data to a file or a printer
- ARexx-port available for external control
- Proportional slider for easy access in four different modes
- Offers 10 bookmarks to mark important positions on the CD and jump directly to it at any time
- Recognizes CDs with an unique identnumber
- Has a program mode, in which you can define the tracks and its sequence you want to hear. Optionally it is possible to link a program to a CD, and everytime you insert this CD, your favorite program for this CD will be loaded automatically too
Compact v1.38
Distribution: FreeWare |
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CoolMod v1.72 |
Chris McGonagle |
30/09/1998 |
MUI, playsid.library, Play 16
- A lovely MUI interface
- The ability to play:
- Pro/Noise/SoundTracker modules
- OctaMed/Med modules (Removed in this version :()
- Sid tunes (C64 type noise files)
- IFF 8SVX *
- AIFF *
- Sun AUDIO *
NB: To play samples, Play16 is required. Thanks go to Thomas Wenzel for this cracking program.
- Executable only around 80k, very small
- Essentially free, send me an email and I will send you a keyfile to get rid of those requesters!!
- CPU Friendly. Doesn't eat stacks of CPU time or RAM
- Lovely Help bubbles now and a revised text box!! V1.64
- The Ability to switch on and off Channels (Pt Only) from version V1.67
- OctaMED / MED make it back into the program. Very limited at the minute though
CoolMod v1.72
Official HomePage
Distribution: E-MailWare |
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DelfAIFF v0.1 |
Michael "Smack" Henke |
24/07/1999 |
OS 2.0+, 68020+, Delfina DSP board - delfina.library v4+, asyncio.library v39+
AIFF sound player for Delfina DSP.
- Supports AIFF-SND (uncompressed) and AIFF-ADP4 (4bit ADPCM) files
- Multi-stage buffering system for smooth playback while loading
- Full source code included
DelfAIFF v0.1
Distribution: FreeWare |
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- UPDATED - DelfMPEG v0.8 - UPDATED - |
Michael "Smack" Henke |
28/10/01 |
68020+, Delfina DSP board, asyncio.library
MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP.
- Plays MPEG audio files with almost no CPU load (decoding is done completely by Delfina's DSP56002)
- Currently supports only MPEG1 layer II (layer III will be implemented soon)
- ARexx interface (full 'remote control' capability)
- Multi-stage buffering system (for smooth playback while loading from disk)
- Free software (full source code included, of course)
DelfMPEG v0.8
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

DelfSF v0.2 |
Michael "Smack" Henke |
19/07/00 |
68020+, OS 2.0+, Delfina DSP board, sndfile.library v1.21
Sndfile player for Delfina DSP.
- Reads audio files using sndfile.library (supports various file formats and raw PCM files)
- Direct Delfina playback for best performance + quality
- Free software (full source code included, of course)
DelfSF v0.2
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

EaglePlayer v2.01 |
Henryk Richter & Jan Blumenthal |
22/04/1998 |
Defect Software Production |
OS 2.04, 68020, 0.5 MB CHIP + 1 MB FAST
- Several different user-interfaces, free adjustable, free choice of menufonts, partly free choice of backgroundpictures and resizable!, including graphically orientated ones
- Hardware-independent replay system, where the sound output can be re-directed to different amplifiers to get e.g. digital delayed Surround or 14 Bit Output with Echo-Effects, modules can be played from fast-ram, 16 bit samples can be played with maximum quality directly and without 8-bit-precalculation in 14 bit
- Modular structure, with over 150 ! supported moduleformats, external engines and low-memory system, where the external plug-ins are only loaded when needed, which saves up to 1 MB memory
- Up to 64 external loadable engines (e.g. amplifiers, user-interfaces, ext. depacker, analyzer, patternscrollers known from ProTracker, mod-infos, module-selector, ...)
- Easy and comfortable configuration, all settings can be saved with one action (inclusive actual music, state and position of engines, current directory, packmode for saving etc.)
- Online Help for Amigaguide
- Can be opened on any pubscreen
- Supports AppWindow
- Very comfortable handling: e.g. module selecting directly by the pulldown-menu
- Changing directory in the pulldown-menu
- The number of reloadable players is now only limited by your RAM
- Alphabetic ordering of players and engines in the manager, the entire directory will be displayed, manual reloading of players and engines by simply doubleclicking on the entry
- Speed control by sliders, partly even with Pitch up/down
- Separately switching on/off all voices
- Scrolling status-information
- Carefully and extensively adapted playeroutines, nearly all of them allow at minimum volume and balance-setting, a big amount of players already supports the Amplifier system
- Can load nearly all kinds of packed files, e.g. XPK, Powerpacker, FileImploder, Crunchmania, lh.library, Stonecracker and supports archives (LHA, LZX, ZIP, RAR etc.) in a unique way: archives are handled like normal directories. Besides, the new XFDMaster-library from Georg Hoermann is supported, which offers a huge amount of other depackers, XPK-packed files can be depacked during loading, even with status display
- Extensive module infos, if the replayer was adapted for that, inclusive playtime calculation for different soundformats (Protracker, Oktalyzer, SonicArranger, Jamcracker etc.)
- Mighty ARexx-Port
- DoubleBuffering-function for continuous replay of modules by immediatly loading the next module
- Different filerequesters, depending on personal taste (ASL, Req, ReqTools)
- Runs without problems in multitasking, audio-channels are reserved properly, all cpu-intensive parts (scopes) are running at low priority
- CyberGraphX is direclty supported by some scopes. (FFT Analyzer)
- It's a commodity (hotkey-activation, control via Exchange)
- Music Fadein and Fadeout possible
- Replay of a randomly selected module from the current directory immediatly after program start !
- Can be configured using the configfile, by Tooltypes and with Shell-arguments
- The instruments of a soundmodule can replayed and saved
- Even plays RAW-files e.g. CDDA
- Able to use CIA-Timers as well as VBlank and Timer.device for synchronizing of the replays
- Supports Screennotify.library
- Is able to find modules in files and executable programs (Eagleexotic)
- Loads modules lists of nearly all music players
- Offers a powerful module database
- Lists created & saved by Pysion can be handled like normal subdirectories
- The modular structure allows an optimal setup for each system and the apecial likings of its user
EaglePlayer v2.01
Additional Players:
"A.M.Composer" v1.2 replayer v3 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Ben Daglish" replayer v2 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Dave Lowe" replayer v2 - by Wanted Team
"Dave Lowe New" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"David Whittaker" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Dynamic Synthesizer" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Images Music System" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Jason Page New" replayer v4 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Jason Page Old" replayer v3 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Legless Music Editor" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Magnetic Fields Packer" replayer v2 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Mark Cooksey" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Martin Walker" replayer v1 - by Don Adan (Wanted Team)
"Mike Davies" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"MMDC" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Paul Shields" replayer v2 - by (Wanted Team)
"Peter Verswyvelen Packer" replayer v1 - by (Wanted Team)
"Professional Sound Artists" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Richard Joseph Player" replayer v1 - by Don Adan (Wanted Team)
"Rob Hubbard" replayer v6 - by Eagleeye & Wanted Team
"Rob Hubbard Old" replayer v1 - by Don Adan (Wanted Team)
"Sean Connolly" replayer v2 - by Czeslaw Maron (Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team)
"Soundcontrol" replayer v2 - by Wanted Team
"Sound Images" replayer v2 - by Don Adan (Wanted Team)
"Speedy System" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Speedy A1 System" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Synth Dream" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Synth Pack" replayer v2 - by Wanted Team
"Thomas Hermann" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"TFMX" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"TFMX Pro" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
"Unique Development" replayer v1 - by Wanted Team
Additional Tools:
RaveScope v1.2 - Fascinating "wrapped" scope by Erik Spåre
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
More Informations |

EasyPlayer v1.03 |
Ralph Debusmann |
23/12/00 |
OS 2.04+, some (shell-based) music player programs
EasyPlayer provides a font-sensitive, multithreaded, good-looking and extendable front-end for every shell-based music player available (and conceivable), e.g. mpega, SIDPLAY or GMPlay.
EasyPlayer v1.03
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

GroovyPlayer v1.12 |
MiklÓs Árpád |
23/01/1999 |
OS 3.0
CD player.
- Supports standard SCSI-2 and ATAPI drives
- All standard CD player functions including play/pause, skip, search, stop, eject and random track access
- Nice front-end that adapts to your screen depth and palette (a la Empy...)
- Track list including name of author, CD title and track titles, compatible with MCDPlayer (so you can use your saved list files)
- Double-clicking on a track name in the List window will start playing that track
- "Smart List" switch enables the user to program the player from the list window, which appears and disappears automagically as discs are inserted/ejected
- List window shows the number and length of the track selected/being played
- Support for multimedia CD's (compact discs with data track(s) and at least one audio track)
- Adjustable volume (256 levels) and balance (left/right 0% to 100%)
- Logarithmic volume option (for smoother and faster control)
- Mute function (3 selectable gain levels)
- Random shuffle
- Repeat mode (repeat all tracks, programmed tracks or tape selection)
- Intro mode (listen to the first x seconds of each track)
- Fade out (immediately or at the end of the intro)
- Program mode (max. 100 tracks; recall button for retrieving finished programs)
- Tape mode (selectable/user definable tape length (like C-60 or C-90), layout tracks to side A/B of tape)
- Adjustable preferences with various settings
- Informative LCD-like display including current track and index, track numbers, titles, several time counters and a status indicator LED (play/pause/ffwd/rev)
- Programmed entirely in MC68020 assembly (fast!)
GroovyPlayer v1.12
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

HippoPlayer v2.45 |
Kari-Pekka Koljonen |
10/01/00 |
Hippopotamus Design |
any Amiga
- Screamtracker ]I[, Fasttracker 1 & 2, Taketracker, Multitracker, 1 to 32ch
- SID-emulation by Håkan Sundell & Ron Birk (works even on kick1.2)
- TFMX-modules, normal and the seven channel ones
- A bunch of 4-8 channel sample & synth music formats
- Easy to use, nice 3D-interface
- Full keyboard control
- AppWindow, drop modules into the window
- ARexx
- Public screen support
- Internal multitasking
- Loads and decompresses XPK, FImp, PowerPacker, LhA, LZX and Zip files
HippoPlayer v2.45
Tools & Accessories:
HVHiP v1.0 - Play SIDs from AmIRC by Johan Forsberg and Daniel Widerström
RaveScope v1.2 - Fascinating "wrapped" scope by Erik Spåre
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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Mega CD Player v2.5 |
Steven Ross |
17/01/1997 |
OS 3.0
CD player.
- Automatic CD Indentification using a database file's
- Program Mode, with Random, Sequence, Load, Save
- Auto Load's a Programmed CD tracks when a CD's Inserted option
- Large window display
- Hide window with all main controls on small buttons
- Double Speed CD Play mode (1st I think)
- Editing CD Title/Track names while playing CD (without track changing)
- Standard Ascii Text saves of database (for easy editing by text editor)
- Small size CD Titles database file saves (no space waisted).
- Record kept of number times CD played & total CD's played
- Prop gadget to select any part of CD track to play
- Merge two database files (Including InterPlay list format)
Mega CD Player v2.5
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

MindSID v1.1 |
Mikael Grahn |
01/01/1999 |
Mindkiller Systems |
OS 3.0+, 68020+, MUI v3.8+, AHI
C-64 SID player.
- Nice MUI gui
- SID-emulation with filters. SID-emulation based on code from SidPlay by Michael Schwendt (SidPlay is a great program!! For faster machines than the Amiga...)
- 6510 emulation written in 100% handwritten assembler. Very fast
- Both MONO and Stereo output
- Fast forward replay =)
- Volume control
- Multiselect tunes
- Playlist with Load/Save features
- Extended info on Tunes
- Mixer and Realtime filter editor
MindSID v1.1
Official HomePage
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |

MiniCD v1.3 |
Tomasz Muszynski |
04/08/1998 |
OS 3.0, SCSI compatible CD-ROM Drive
CD player.
- Very small
- Easy to use
- Controlled by ARexx
- Compatible with MCDPlayer ID files
- Uses PopUp menus
- Works with scsi.device compatible cd-roms
MiniCD v1.3
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Music-Act v1.0g |
Alexander M.Korn |
18/06/1998 |
OS 2.0, 68020
Music-Act is a simple tool to play a list of different song-files in maybe different song-formats by executing selectable cli-players for songs-formats directly.
Music-Act v1.0g
Distribution: ShareWare |
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NASP v1.11 |
Claudio Buraglio |
09/03/1991 |
any Amiga
NASP is an old but good sample player especially created for DJ.
NASP v1.11
Distribution: FreeWare |
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NewPlay v1.0ß |
Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen |
13/05/1998 |
Studio 16, AD516 or AD1012 cards
This is a tool that can play Studio 16 samples, both mono and stereo, through the AD516/AD1012 cards. It uses the Studio 16 v3 environment
- Dynamic channel allocation
- Preloading of samples -> instant play
- Automatic reloading after done play or stop
- Filerequester to choose sample
- Autodetects if sample belongs in a filecouple (stereo) or is single
- Simple GUI (one for MagicWB and one plain, same layout) with hotkeys
- Does automatic init of Studio 16 environment and removing of it if started without Studio 16 running
- Can be started and used together with Studio 16
- Pops up at Workbench using either MagicWB look or plain look
NewPlay v1.0ß
Distribution: FreeWare |
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PianoPlayer v1.0 |
Andreas Flakenhahn |
18/05/1999 |
MUI v3.8, MCC Piano Keyboard (MUI Custom Class)
PianoPlayer is a small program which uses the MUI piano custom class to play ProTracker modules with the display of a piano.
- Plays ProTracker modules using CIA
- Nice looking because of MUI
- Supports xfdmaster.library for decrunching
- ...anything else?
PianoPlayer v1.0
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Play16 v1.8 |
Thomas Wenzel |
11/09/1997 |
OS 2.04
Play16 is a program capable of playing uncompressed and _some_ compressed soundfiles through Amiga's standard audio device or an increasing number of alternative devices.
Supported Filetypes are: WAV, VOC, AU, MAUD, AIFF, IFF and others.
Play16 v1.8
Tools & Accessories:
SPlayer v1.9cf2 - A GUI by Allan Versaevel
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Playerek v3.3 |
Rafal Konkolewski |
21/11/1998 |
any Amiga
Playerek is a tiny program that allows to hear Pro/StarTracker and MED modules.
- Sprite Equalizer (at the moment only for Pro Tracker) visible on any system screens. For example: ViewTek, Directory Opus, Civilization...
- Low memory usage about 32kb main proggy (dir takes about 12k) +40kb reqtools
- Many decrunch formats (lha, xpk, CrM, pmc, powerpacker) need more ? write to me
- CIA player
- Works on any kick-start
- You can put it in startup-sequence (have some problems when setpath QUIET is in too)
- Magic WB
- Drag & Drop Icons (Try it, at the moment only for first one)
Playerek v3.3
Distribution: Gift/CardWare |
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- UPDATED - PlayGUI v3.2 - UPDATED - |
Richard Kapp |
04/08/01 |
HippoPlayer, Play16, ASL.library, XHelvetica.font, ARexx
- You can have those cool skins (like AmigaAMP) or you make your own with a paint-program
- 4 skins are included
- Select skins via menu
- THEMES!!! Make your own with a THEME Creator!
- PlayGUI can play Mods (DBPro, Med, Mod, XM, S3M, Mpg, etc)
- PlayGUI can play Samples (Wave, AIFF, 8SVX etc.)
- PlayGUI has an commentary-option (So that you can save comments about a song to a chosen dir)
- PlayGUI has a built in launch option for simply starting your favourite music-apps.
- Drag and drop module-icons on PlayGUI
- PlayGUI shows volume, type of mod and sound quality
- Choose sound quality via menu (8bit, 14bit, 16bit and a user config)
- Shortcuts for all functions
- 'Mute' option
- QuickMenu
- Personal volume option
- It's easy to play around with
- Opens system-friendly on your WB
- and lots of other stuff!
- NEW: MPEGA support!!
- NEW: MIDI support!!
PlayGUI v3.2
Tools & Accessories:
PLone v1.1 - PlayList AddOn by Rolf Roth (Slartibartfass/phoenix Soft)
Distribution: FreeWare |
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PlayItPro v1.03 |
Jan Erik Olausen |
20/10/1998 |
OS 2.04
A 8SVX HD-player with GUI.
- Instant play with F1-F10/N1-N4 keys
- RETURN to play next sample or SPACE to play same sample again
- Ultra fast loading/analyzing of all samples in one preset
- Plays directly from HD
- Plays IFF 8SVX-samples mono and stereo
- 15 presets that can hold 14 samples each
- Loop a sample up to 999 times or infinity
- Change volume of each samples
- Change sample information (Name, Author, Copyright and Annotations)
PlayItPro v1.03
Distribution: FreeWare |
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Prayer v2.1.911 |
Tamara Cetinjski |
22/01/00 |
OS 3.0+, 68020+, popupmenu.library, triton.library, reqtools.library and mpega.library
MPEG audio player with fancy GUI.
- It can play mp3,mp2 and mp1 files, and with little help of 'plug-ins' it can play Wave ((c) by Microsoft) RIFF files, anything that OS 'datatypes' can play, and CDDA audio stream directly from CD-ROM device (if CD-ROM supports reading of RAW data)
- It can display name of current song, groups, albums (taken from mp3 'TAGS' - or if they do not exist, al little bit of artificial intelligence will try to guess the name of song and it's artist from the filename)
- It can display current time, and total time of file which is playing
- It can display Vu meters (output power-meters) in arbitrary shape and orientation
- It supports following functions: Play, Stop, Prev, Next, Pause, List, Activating timer, Tuning of Sleep Mode, Adding and removing file(s) from the lists, loading and saving complete play lists, changing the current position in file which is playing, setting of output volume
- From different play-modes Prayer supports:
- RND - plays randomly chosen files from play-list
- SINGLE - repeats current file all the time
- SLEEP - Activates sleep timer which turns off playing after certain ( user adjustable ) time
- PROGRAM - which plays files from the list by selected order
- Making it's own look with some help from special compiler for Robe files (this compiler will be available only to registered users)
Prayer v2.1.911
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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Prelude Tapedeck v1.7 |
Thomas Wenzel |
07/07/1998 |
asyncio.library v39.x+, prelude.library v2.64+ (included)
This is a GUI based sound player for the Prelude soundcard. It makes use of some of Prelude's special realtime features and won't work with any other soundcard.
This program auto-detects a PowerUP environment and will use the PPC to decode MPEG-audio layer 2 and 3 in realtime with almost no system load on the 68K side.
Supported filetypes are: AIFF 16-bit stereo (68030 or better) and MPEG-audio j-stereo or dual-ch (PowerPC required!).
Prelude Tapedeck v1.7
Distribution: FreeWare |
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QuickCD v1.3a |
Matt Briggs |
12/02/00 |
QuickCD is a small CLI Compact Disc Audio player. Use this command in your startup to start audio CD's when your system boots or alternatively, setup a Hot Key for QuickCD. QuickCD supports standard CDID files, which enables you to see the track name being played.
QuickCD v1.3a
Official HomePage
Distribution: |
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RAPlayer v1.3 |
Various |
21/04/1999 |
OS 3.0, 68040+ or PPC, Play16, AHI, GeekGadgets (see below)
This is a command-line based decoder for RealAudio data streams. It takes a .ra input file and converts it into an easy-to-play raw sample.
Note: The main link to the archive named "RAPlayer" contains the both versions RA and RA2 for 040, 060 and PPC, for others configurations see below.
RAPlayer v1.3
RA2 (Main RA decoder (68000 version), plus docs and sample ARexx script)
RA2upd (These are just the files that have changed since the last release)
To use the streaming audio example script, get httpget,
grab a URL, save it to a file.
RA2 for 68020
RA2 for 68020 + FPU
RA2 for 68020 + FPU-Libnix
RA2 for 68040
RA2 for 68040 + FPU
RA2 for 68040 + FPU-Libnix
RA for PowerPC (both versions RA & RA2)
RA for PowerPC (only RA2)
RA for WarpUp and PowerUp (SAS/C and GCC/EGCS)
GeekGadgets archive (Get the file called "ixemul-some number-bin.tgz")
UnTGZ (Use this to uncompress the ixemul archive)
Official HomePage
Distribution: FreeWare |
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RexxCD v1.4 |
Urban Lindeskog |
01/01/1999 |
OS 3.0+
CD player.
- ARexx Audio CD Player host
- Extensive ARexx interface.
- Iconify to AppIcon
- Localized
- Reads a database with CD, track and artist names
- Syncronized lyrics
- Eject / Insert caddie
- Lock / Unlock caddie
- Play / Skip / Pause / Stop
- Controllable left / right volume
- Programmable gadgets
RexxCD v1.4
Distribution: WhatEverWare |
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SongPlayer v1.53 |
Stéphane Tavenard |
17/02/1999 |
OS 3.0+, 68020+, mpega.library, MUI v3.3 for GUI use
SongPlayer is an audio file player that supports various formats (IFF, AIFF, WAV, AU, MPEG). It can play 8 or 16 bits samples, mono or stereo ones, compressed or not. It can be used as a shell utility thanks to its command parameters or with the Workbench with its graphical interface MUI. The 16 bit sounds are played in 14 bit with the calibration principle of Christian BUCHNER or in real 16 bit via sound card with AHI.
- Playlists
- Karaoke mode to see lyrics
- Pseudo-stereo effect for mono files
- Scopes (CPU, Vu-meters, Level-meters, Spectrum analyzer)
- Treble and bass adjustment
- Audio data base
- Read of compressed XPK files
SongPlayer v1.53
Tools & Accessories:
SongFace - by Vedran Viskovic
(This archive contains 35 sets of different buttons, 23 custom made and modified fonts and 25 snapshots of various SongPlayer setups)
Tiny Song Player - A GUI by Håkon Kristiansen
Distribution: GiftWare |
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TinyPlay |
Andrew Heckles |
06/06/1998 |
any Amiga
A program to play IFF 8SVX sound samples, SoundTracker/NoiseTracker modules and OctaMED modules.
Distribution: FreeWare |
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TMLG v1.350 |
Johnny Tidemann Nielsen |
06/11/1998 |
68030+, AHI, mpega.library
MPEG player.
- WinAMP skin support
- ID3 tagdisplay and editor
- Brand new plugin-interface
- Volume adjustment while playing
- Buffersize adjustable "on the fly"
- Buffer doesn't need to be 100% full before playing, set it to e.g. 12% :)
- Can start playing automatically right after startup
- Seperate decode options for Layer1-2 and Layer3
- Has a time-slider and display
- Responds to dragNdrop from WB or Opus!
- Uses AHI for playback
- Has a buffer-usage bar
- Shows info about the songs
- Has a pause-button
- Playlist can be sorted
- Songs can be renamed from within the playlist
- Has popup-help
- Supports multiple settings
- Can use a playlist
- Supports multiple playlists
- Random/sequential play
- Takes advantage of asyncio.library if found
- Priority adjustment
- It's small, even smaller than TMG
- It's fast, again, faster than TMG (due to the missing executable)
- Has a powerfull ARexx port
- Doesn't use MUI, but boopsi
- Coded as a commodity
- Has configurable hotkeys (on the fly!)
- Responds to tooltypes
TMLG v1.350
Distribution: ShareWare |
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Trinity Player v0.85 beta |
16/05/1999 |
OS 2.04+
CD player.
- Looks great!
- Has standard CD player controls (Stop/Pause/Skip Back/Rewind/Play/Fast Forward/Skip Forward)
- CDs can be ejected via the GUI.
- Extensive keyboard support (use the Function keys to play the corresponding tracks, use the Numeric Keypad, etc.)
- Each CD can have it's own ID file (compatible with MCDPlayer, Skandalfo Player, MegaCD Player, etc.) which is loaded when a valid Compact Disc is inserted. User specified path
- A nice Track Editor which lets you edit the current CD's ID file. Tracks can also be played if the right mouse button is pressed while in the Track Editor. A CD ID can also be printed out or saved via the Track Editor
- CDs can be played/stopped/ejected on program start-up/exit
- A Program Mode editor which lets you specify which tracks to play and in which order
- Preview Mode lets you play a user specified number of seconds of each track (sometimes called "Intro" in other CD players)
- Shuffle Mode which plays tracks in a random order
- Repeat Mode to repeat the current, er... mode
- If you don't like the GUI graphics, you can draw your own or use someone else's instead !!
- Two GUI sizes. The big one (ooer!) for people with big screens and the minimised version for people with small screens (for people that need every inch of available space)
- Trinity Player can be opened on any (public) screen, or can be told to open it's own 8-colour Interlaced MagicWB screen
- The main window can be moved around via the cursor keys and can be moved in 5 preset locations by using the keys 1-5
- Trinity Player checks for changes in the System Preferences. If there's been a change, you'll be asked if you want to close-down the main window and then re-appear to reflect the changes (if any)
- Extensive ARexx port. There's so many commands, you can write your own interface for Trinity Player via ARexx !!
- On-line AmigaGuide documentation (not context sensitive - yet)
- Partly font-sensitive
- Commodity
- Only £5 !
Trinity Player v0.85 beta
Official HomePage
Distribution: ShareWare |
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WarpAMP v0.9 |
Steffen Haeuser |
07/05/1998 |
AHI or prelude.library v2, PowerUP with WarpOS
PPC MPEG audio player for AHI.
- Compiled with StormC PPC
- Does not need ixemul.library!
- Does not need the AHI audio system, but supports it
- Does not stop the music, when Intuition is locked, if -quiet mode is used
WarpAMP v0.9
Distribution: FreeWare |
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xPlay v1.1 |
Tak Tang |
04/06/1997 |
OS 2.0
xPlay is a player for XPK-packed IFF/RAW samples.
- Plays samples while loading from disk, so does not need much ram
- Plays samples compressed with xpk
- Plays IFF or RAW (mono only)
- System friendly (uses audio.device)
- Useable from workbench, as a default tool or by shift clicking
- Useable from cli
- Supports pattern matching (from cli)
- Progress indicator (in cli)
- Can abort playing with CTRL-C and CTRL-D
- Pure executable (can be made resident)
xPlay v1.1
Distribution: FreeWare |
More Informations |
If you have created a program that is not included in this site please e-mail me. Thanks!
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Suggestions and comments are welcome!
© Copyright Stefano Clemente