To coincide with the launch of this website we decided it would be nice if there was a place where people who enjoy Exotic
Music, Classic Games and other areas of Amiga Computing could meet up and chat. So we created a channel on IrcNet to hang out. The
channel name is #amigaexotic and we have a bot called Kestra who runs it :).
It's a very friendly channel and welcomes users on any computer platform.
If you don't know any IrcNet Servers here is a list of a few that allow connections from most places:
There are IRC Clients available for most platforms which will allow you to join in, alternatively you can try the #amigaexotic IRC Gateway.
Just fill ou the form below and join in the discussions. If
you are using IBrowse, it's best to disable the disk cache otherwise the updating isn't quite correct.
Hosting provided by Mythic-Beasts. See the Hosting Information page for more details.